Welcome to Ciennas Story
I am a successful PSYOP MOS qualified who is striving to get my degree in December. That is a form of marketing used in the military and that was when I found out what I was good at. Once I graduate, I would like to be an event planning entrepreneur.

The Military
I am 23 years old and I joined the Army when I was 20 years old. I was nervous and scared but eventually I took a leap of faith and joined the army. I graduated from AIT and basic training in 2022 and I have 3 more years left.

After graduating from basic training, I then continued my scholastic career and graduate 2025 in December. I am a first generation college graduate. Continuing school was one of my biggest motivators during basic training, so I am so glad that I went back to school. I have worked at Publix, Slims Chicken, and Pyros Firework. My greatest quality is the ability to act under pressure. I am able to think very clearly when things are hectic.